Friday, October 26, 2012


I'm just gonna send a bunch of stuff your way here and see what happens. It's been awhile since I've dumped my problems off on somebody... because nobody will listen to my problems... also I don't really have many problems to dump. Also one time I dumped in a no dumping zone and got fined... so I'm always careful with my dumps now.

Let me also tell you this. That girl to my right is incredibly good looking.

I tweeted this one earlier, but it's amazing what throwing a "haha" at the end of a text message can do for you. It's wild. You can say the rudest thing and have it be totally cool as long there's a "haha" at the end that shows that you're just being playful. You can't always tell connotation through text, so we just result to adding more non-words onto the messages to show what we're going for here. But most of the time when I throw a controversy-avoiding "haha" at the end, I'm actually being serious and trying to tell the person something; I just really don't like to fight. This is probably the worst job I've done of punctuation in years. "YOU'RE UGLY AND STUPID HAHA" or "YOU'RE UGLY AND STUPID"... see how much better the first one sounds? The point still got across though.

Apparently it's not okay to tweet subliminally about people, even if you don't use their names. I kind of thought that the whole point of Twitter was to say stuff you want to say without suffering consequences for it. Except that Minnesota radio dude just got fired for tweeting something about Desmond Howard. The problem is that you used his name bro, if you would just make up a nickname for him everything would be straight.

I don't really have anything else to say, I'm losing hard today.


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