Monday, October 29, 2012

One Fight is Two Fights

I'm not a fighter. I'm also not much of a lover. If there's a third option in that expression, that's probably what I'm looking at.

I don't love Hurricane Sandy. I also sure as hell don't wanna fight Hurricane Sandy. Momma told me not to fight nature when I was a kid. She also told me not to talk to strangers, touch the hot stove, or constantly wet the bet after I turn 14 years old. I've done a great job at all but one of those... I'll leave it at that. But if anybody has some extra bed sheets let me know.

Back to the original point of the post.

This one's about fighting. In my eyes there are two types of fighting, physical and verbal... verbal also meaning like Internet now too. We need a new word that means verbal and textual together. It's probably out there somewhere. Anyways, I like to think that I'm a bit cunning and witty, which makes me a pretty good verbal fighter. I can think on my feet and use words well. So if you wanna go toe-to-toe with me on Twitter or Facebook, you're gonna have my toe prints all over your grill when it's all over. The freakin' FDA would be pissed about that too because there's a lot of nasty on the feet that would make your grillin burgers and dogs all dirty and shit.

The thing is that when we start a verbal fight, the loser of the verbal fight often wants to back up their verbal fighting with physical fighting. That's always bugged me. It's bugged me because I'm a small dude with no aggression whatsoever, so I'd lose in 95% of the physical fights I would ever enter. But despite that I think I have a point. Why are the two types of fights connected? Are they the same thing at all? Mental and physical are completely different, they rarely cross paths in life (except chess boxing which is sweet). If you wanna get into physical fights, just leave the words completely out of it. Your words don't say anything about what kind of shape you're in, and the shape you're in doesn't say anything about how smart you are or if you're right or wrong in an intellectual argument.

It's real annoying when you're arguing about sports or something and then the other dude brings out the "oh you're a pussy anyways I'll beat your ass", which basically ends the entire argument because there are just no standards there anymore.

Physical fighting is like against the law to some extent anyways, if you just go and beat someone up that's assault and your ass can end up behind bars. I guess there's all that "cyber bullying" crap now too, which has actually sent some people to jail as well, but that's still not as big as a deal as assault... unless it is... again I never claimed to know anything about what I talk about here.

If you wanna come beat me up, fine, do it. Just don't be mad when I run away crying.

But next time I'm jockin on you via social media, keep the physical fighting out of it. It's only fair.


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