Sunday, October 14, 2012

Going with the Flow

Can I get something off my chest? It took me until I was like 13 years old to figure out how blinds worked. You know how if you pull the strings to the left, it unlocks them so you can adjust the height, but if you pull them straight down it just pulls them up locks where you stop? Yeah, I just thought that it was completely random when they'd lock. Then one day in my room I figured it out... now I have a blog. The rest is history.

Also, I tried to buy Swagger at the body wash store today and they told me that I was already over the legal limit. Jokes on the real.

But seriously that joke wasn't on the real, it was on the fake... there's no such thing as a body wash store, assholes.

So I've been thinking about life today. Thinking about things and people and situations and feelings change all the time. Without getting into too many words, people just need to stop going to life and start letting life come to them. They say GRAB LIFE BY THE HORNS... well that's a truck company slogan... but they say it. You know what I say? I say let the horns grab you and hope that it doesn't hurt.

Most things in life are out of your control. Haters will hate, hoes will be hoes, and the government is gonna take a percentage of your paycheck... in most states at least. You can't control hoes... unless you're a skilled farmer, and that was a poor joke. Life's not about action, it's about reaction. Learn to be versatile. Learn to handle unforeseen situations. Probably just learn a few marginally sized words and say them in tough situations.

What I'm trying to say is that life is gonna flow on you. You can't stop the flow. So you have to learn to go with it. If you don't get that, maybe just try kayaking or something.


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