Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A few of my life's big questions

  1. How can schools give A minuses but not give A pluses? This one just doesn't make mathematical sense. It's a question of balance. B minuses balance B pluses, so what reasoning could a professor EVER have for giving out A minuses but not A pluses? It is legitimately unfair, and this isn't a student crying about unfairness because he wants better grades, I don't care enough about my grades to do such a thing (and most of my grades are B's anyways). It's just really messed up that school's are so blatantly mistreating their students. I understand that you can't really have A+'s, because there should be a clear maximum GPA, so my campaign is just to get rid of A-'s. We need answers. The entire grading system is mathematical, but there is an ugly, bulging, pussy mathematical flaw right at the top of it all.
  2. Why do people get mad at me when I look at things mathematically? I try to use reason, logic, and math as often as I can. But I find that most of my friends don't like when I do so. They seem to want me to be more shallow minded and narrow-minded with my thought processes. Why is that encouraged? Isn't that just another way to say that they want me to be stupider? When did stupid become cool? And how can you be "too tired to remember something" that should be common sense? Do some people's brains just shut down at times? Like just because you haven't slept in 18 hours doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to multiply 7 by 8. I'm talking to you Clint Logan.
  3. Why do basketball teams take out their players when they commit 2-3 fouls in the first half of a game? I don't usually do sports stuff on this blog, but this legitimately doesn't make any sense to me. Sure, you want to save your best players for the final minutes of a game, and if they get to 5 fouls (6 in the NBA) they are kicked out of the game, but why take your own players out when they don't have to be? Why not just wait and see if they do get to 4 fouls before taking action? You're letting the threat of a consequence hand you the consequence. That doesn't make sense to me. Leave them in and let yourself try to reap the benefits of your players not committing those next fouls.
  4. Why do our minds change so much in the heat of the moment? It's happened to all of us, we get worked up about something and then we say and think things that we realize were completely wrong and out of line when we settle down later on. We become so short-sighted when our emotions are going. Is there a psychological reason for this? I think it's just that when our emotions are running away from us we become more selfish. We think that we're right and don't want to listen to anyone or anything try to tell us that we might be wrong. If more people realized that the best thing to do when you're angry/emotional is to just walk away from the situation and come back to it later there would be a lot less hurtful confrontation in the world.
Those are all things I thought about today. I also thought a lot about corn dogs, which was weird.


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