Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's Wednesday

My mom got me this Pinecone & Lime Yankee Candle for Christmas and it smells awesome when you stick your nose right up to it and sniff it when it's not lit, but when I light it the room stays in exactly the same scent, which is horrible. I've been lighting it for two months now hoping that it'll start smelling good but it's not and I'm just becoming more and more disappointed every time I look at it. It's not your fault mom, but next time get me something more smelly.

I actually have had a few things pop into my head to write about on here the last couple days but for right now I can only remember like one of them.

It's funny that humans seem to feel entitlement at all the wrong times. It seems to me that the easier life becomes for humans, the more they feel entitled to. This thought came to me when we were talking in a class about how defensive parents are of their children these days. If a kid gets in trouble at school, the parents seem to always immediately hop on the kid's side and fight against the person at school that punished them. Because there is just no way that YOUR kid could have possible done anything wrong, and they are always just being unfairly persecuted. It certainly didn't use to be that way, my parents definitely never took my side when I did something wrong away from them. The whole thing really makes sense, once things start coming easy to you, you start thinking that everything should come that easy, and when it doesn't, you get defensive and start believing that you were denied something that you should have been given, even though you didn't necessarily deserve it in the first place. Life works a lot better when you have to work for what you get. For me, I really don't feel like I've worked for much of anything in my life, but I've been given a lot. My parents worked really hard to give me a chance to be successful and for the most part I've just coasted through everything until about now. Things are going to change when I graduate, but I'm pretty glad that I have somewhat of a feel on entitlement for right now, because life seems to get harder and harder with every year that passes.

I've written a lot on this blog about how I feel that being able to deal with people will take you further in life than being really smart and qualified. Recently, one of my buddies got a job offer that he's underqualified for just because he impressed the person he interviewed with, so that backs my point up perfectly. The problem I'm discovering with the real world is that it's tough to even get an interview. I've sent my resumeƩ to 20+ companies and I've only had a couple calls back. I've only been offered one face to face interview and that was through a company that turned out to be a pretty big scam/waste of time. I honestly feel that if I could have had a face-to-face interview with every place I've applied to, I'd have a couple job offers, but that's not how it goes. My resume sucks, and that actually does mean something. Too late to change it now though.

The last thing I want to say is that it's pretty crazy how much time Americans waste with entertainment. I can't imagine where I'd be right now if instead of watching Pirate games, playing video games, and pissing around on social media, I would have tried to teach myself different useful things. What have I gotten from all those hours watching the Pirates and wasting time on the computer? Very, very little. I could be a programming expert by now, I could have done some big things that really would have helped that resume I talked about earlier, but instead I'm at a disadvantage. It's true for everyone really, unless you're a person that's super passionate about something that's actually good for your future (aka a nerd), you've probably wasted years of your life doing things that had no positive benefit to them besides temporary satisfaction. DUMB.

Humans are dumb, and I am a human. By the transitive property of geometry, I am dumb.


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