Sunday, March 3, 2013


Have you ever stopped to think about how you think? Because it seems to me that a lot of people don't do much thinking at all. It's becoming common practice for a person to hear something and have it just go in one ear and out the other, without giving its truthfulness or usefulness a second thought. People these days are so incredibly predictable and gullible. I say "these days" like I've been alive for more than a couple decades. How would I now how people used to be? Maybe they've always been like this. I need to talk to more real adults about this kinda stuff.

I just feel like college kids don't even know how to think. They may know how to study hard and get good grades and play sports and drink alcohol, but they don't know how to think. There are so many followers and so few leaders... which really gives a huge advantage to the small number of people who know how to lead people and realize the extreme advantage of knowing such a thing.

Another thing that has always bothered me and has been bothering me recently is how people try to turn their opinions into facts. I'm going to use Nickelback here. 95% of people hate Nickelback, and probably 5% of those people have an actual reason for why they hate Nickelback. Some people feel that their taste in music/literature/sports/etc. is so refined that anyone who disagrees with them is straight up wrong. But what makes those things positive or negative? Your opinion of them does. If there was an underlying good or bad with ART, the bad art wouldn't make enough money to stay as art. See how I used a thought process to sort through that and ultimately prove my point? Weird, right?

If you like something, like it on your own account and don't let that affect the way you view other people, because who knows - you might just end up never getting to know who could be your future wife because she enjoys listening to Nickelback.


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