Tuesday, November 6, 2012

People Pleasing

Hurricane Sandy was a real bitch. Not only did she drown Atlantic City and knock over the Empire State Building, she screwed up all the emotions of people all around me.

So everyone keeps telling me that it might not have been the rain that has been screwing with all of us as much as its been just the ups and downs of life and the confusion of youth and the changes of life. It's been a lot easier for me to just blame everything on the hurricane though.

There's a life lesson for you kids. Scape goats. Whenever you have a problem or do something wrong, you'd better have something to blame it on that you had nothing to do with. You failed a test and got kicked out of your school's nursing program? Not your fault. How were you supposed to keep up with your school work when you were so constantly distracted by all the politics ads and mudslinging going on all around you? I read a stat today that says 18-25 year old Americans see an average of 18 hours of political bullshit per day, and that's not even me swearing that was just the quote of the stat. How are you supposed to know about STDs when Mitt Romney won't stop screaming at you? It's not your fault.

Always have an excuse. Never take responsibility for your actions. For me, I just designate one of my friends every month to blame everything on.

I do think that a lot of human unhappiness comes from trying to please someone, or everyone. It's not possible to please everyone. I've always said that if nobody is hating on you, you aren't doing life right. The only people that don't have anybody talking bad about them are people who don't talk or do much of anything with their lives - and that's not who you want to be.

In terms of relationships, I think a lot of displeasure comes from when you get into a relationship with someone and feel the need to constantly make them happy. If you being yourself doesn't make them happy, then is it really a good relationship? If you have to go out of your way and not be yourself to satisfy the person, is it worth it? Relationships can change people, and I don't think that's necessarily right. Granted, I don't know anything about relationships. Unless it's a relationship in Microsoft Access, I'm pretty good at those. Thanks Doctor Wang.

Obviously you have to work to please people to some extent. You can't just go through life doing what you want to do and not worrying about how it affects other people. Relationships require work and the best things in life are hard, but you get my point.

I hate writing more than like two or three serious sentences in a row.

China really sucks. I have this idea about dropping a bomb of amnesia powder on the Chinese government to make them forget about all the money we owe them. I doubt Obama is reading this post right now since he's probably pre-occupied with getting reelected, but when you do read this, you're welcome for the idea 'Rack, you can claim that bitch as your own I don't even care about the credit anymore.


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