Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No Topic Tuesday... on a Wednesday

Apparently it's not Tuesday anymore.

Most of my daily frustration comes from people's tweets - namely people with whom I attend college with. I have an honest question: has complaining about something in your life on Twitter ever made the bad situation anything but worse? It honestly bothers me when all I see from people is how much they like some girl/guy and they don't like them back, or how they want to do something but they can't, or just general talk about all the bad things in their life. I understand venting, but is social media really the place for it? Chances are if I have ever seen you complaining about your life on social media, I don't feel bad for you and I don't have any extra desire to try and help you out, I just kind of think that you're pathetic. I have problems too you know, but the only people that know anything about them are people that are my actual friends and actually want to help me out. Twitter is public. You wouldn't go out in the middle of Pittsburgh with a sign detailing why you can't get the girl you want because you curly hair or you aren't in good enough shape. I'm not going to say that nobody cares... but ... yeah nobody cares.

Twitter has made me like way more people less than it has made me like people more, because it seems that there is just a general lack of personality among my generation. That's too bad. Although it's probably good for us people that have some personality, because we stand out a lot more than them. If everything was perfect, there wouldn't even be a point of being perfect. That's a hard-hitting sentence.

You know that saying that 'quitters never win'? I've been questioning that lately. Watching football brought that to light. The other night the Bears were just getting stomped by the 49ers. They were down like 27-0 in the second half. The game was over. They kept trying to score and stuff and eventually did make the score a little bit more respectable, but they got a number of their players hurt in the process. Jason Campbell needs like 4 new body parts this week. Now I have a question for all my readers who play for the Chicago Bears: was it worth it? Was getting that touchdown really worth pushing a number of your players closer to retirement? A loss is a loss no matter how bad it was, but a leg can stop being a leg if you break it too many times. They should have just walked off the field in the 3rd quarter and taken the loss. Sure, the organization would have lost an incredible amount of respect, ticket sales would plummet, and their players, coaches, and owners would be criticized relentlessly for years, but they'd still be allowed to play the next week - and chances are they'd be in better shape to win that next game.

Quitting isn't a bad thing guys, sometimes it's a good thing. If you have no chance to get anything positive out of something, get the hell out. Losing is worse than not winning. You can always say that you would have won if it wasn't in your best interest to quit, and you'll never be able to be proven wrong. Sorry to crush the spirits of all the tweenagers who have been told never to give up, but this is real life - and quitting can be a big advantage in real life.


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