Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Week and Sandusky is Still Here

For every day that passes I get one day closer to leaving Waynesburg and embarking on the next chapter of my life. You can say the same thing for Jerry Sandusky, except that creep's next chapter is death. So that sucks. As you can tell it's taking me a little bit of time to get over the whole Sandusky thing.

It's taking me even a longer time to get over the fact that like 2% of people in life are entertaining and relaxed about things. We're in college, where nothing really matters all that much and yet people are still up tight and scared of fun. What is going to happen to life when we're in the real world and things are actually serious? Jobs, mortgages, families, that's real stuff that even I'm going to take seriously. If people are up tight and no fun right now, what are they going to be like for the rest of my life? It's scary.

Today in class I wrote the word "pube" real big on Nate's doodle sheet. Then Nate said that he thought he was having a stroke. Two different people were offended by these things. The one kid said his uncle had a stroke, so we shouldn't joke about strokes. I don't want to be rude to this kid who is clearly having a tough time with his uncle or whatever, but joking about stuff doesn't make the subject of the joke any more dangerous. Sure, sometimes you can evoke memories that aren't pleasant, but people need to stop making everything about themselves. Deal with life, and let us make whatever jokes we want.

Maybe that was harsh. It definitely was, but guess what, I didn't erase it. I promise not to say the word "stroke" in front of that kid ever again. As for the "pube" thing, I don't see why anyone would be offended by such a word and I solemnly promise to say that word at least a dozen more times this week in front of as many people as I can.

To be honest I'm just a bit frustrated with humanity today. There are just so many awkward, not entertaining, no fun, up tight people around. God made everybody for a reason and I shouldn't be bashing His creation, but why do I have such a problem with my generation? Maybe it's because I like myself too much. That definitely has a lot to do with it. I respect a person that can make a joke and not taking anything too personally.

This has probably been the least funny post I've written so far. It's legitimately just me bitching... sorry.

The election is tomorrow. All I really want from the election is for the price of pistachio's to come down. Whichever candidate can make that happen is fine with me.

If you read all of this I'm really sorry. Come see me and express your displeasure and I'll give you a free face touch or something.


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