Monday, November 4, 2013

No Topic (Almost) Tuesday

It's close enough to Tuesday to just go ahead and assume it's Tuesday. I haven't written in almost a week and I've got a few things, so here it goes.

Life's really weird, right? We all have to rely on money to live, so our lives are really determined on how much money we make. It doesn't take all that much money to literally stay alive, but everything is pretty much determined based on what kind of money we do make. If you make a little, you learn to live on a little, and you're still fine. Then you start making more money, and then you start living a little better and your expenses go up, so then you still have about the same amount of extra money. As your income goes up, your expenses go up. Makes sense I guess. It's important to save money, but not taking advantage of the money you make wouldn't make much sense either. Anyways, all of the money we make seems to go towards ourselves, and towards our ever dematerializing lives. Dematerializing is not a word per say, but I think it's cool enough to work here. It just seems like we all end up just studying or BSing our way through education for the first quarter of our life just to get a job so we can work away a third (or more) of our life just to stay alive and have a "happy life". And to me it seems like the word "happy" is sufferingly weak, to the point where all it takes to be "happy" is 3 meals a day, a house, and a couple cars. It's like we're all told at birth what it takes to have a good life and we slave away every day like robots just to reach it. We never really think about what happy is individually. Do I want to work 40+ hours a week doing stuff that doesn't really bring me satisfaction just so I can pay to eat and sleep at night and have some element of cheap fun when I don't have to be at work? Hell no, that doesn't seem like the best way to spend the one life I have. Do I have a choice at this point? Well if I do, I really don't see it.

So why do we do this shit? Why do we just conform to everything that we were grown up to believe? Maybe our minds aren't developed enough to see the other options. Maybe we've fallen victim to our conditioning. Can you imagine being conditioned in the way that a kid in a third world country is conditioned? Living a below average American life would feel like being a freakin King. Yet every day Americans commit suicide because they don't feel their lives are worth living because they'll never make it anywhere; despite all the incredible opportunity that exists just because of where they were born. If you were raised in poverty and then turned out to be 'successful', at least by American eyes, imagine how much hope you'd have? Imagine how much your perspective would change? Every meal you ate would taste better, because you wouldn't take it for granted. Yet we all sit here in our warm houses with our name brand clothes on wishing we had more, wishing to be held up above our peers with no regard for the lack of positive worldly impact you're making a long the way.

I had absolutely no intention for this post to go this route. I haven't even had these thoughts seriously before right now, and it's kind of depressing me. Ignorance truly is bliss. I'm sure God intended human life to be more than what it is now, I know He sits up there and just shakes His head at everything we do and everything we strive for. I'm not entirely sure God has a physical head that He could shake, but that's a different question. I wish I really knew how He would live my life if He had it, because I'm sure it would be a hell of a lot more fulfilling than it will turn out after my stupid ass is done with it.

In other news, I'm selling my Macbook. For the last 6 years I've sworn by Mac products and said I'd never not own a Mac. In a few weeks that probably won't be true. Right now I'm typing on a Samsung Ultrabook with Windows 8 running, and I love this thing. I'm seriously considering buying a Microsoft Surface with the money I'll make from selling my Mac. Couldn't have predicted that 4 years ago.

I had a couple more things to say when I started this but I completely forgot about them... this really didn't go the way I had planned.


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