Monday, November 11, 2013


If you read this blog, you probably know that I like to talk about religion a lot. I am a strong believer in the Christian faith and I've been following it all of my life. While I'm pretty firmly entrenched in what I believe, there's still a huge unknown element for me that I'm trying to somehow figure out. I'm sure that there are an infinite amount of things that I'll never know about God or about life, but as I talked about last post, I think it's better that way.

So this post is going to be about a part of Christianity, and that part is worship - like through music. I was in church yesterday and it got me thinking about it.

There's this one song that it played in churches and on Christian radio stations that I don't remember the name of or anything about it, except I know that the first line is "I'm at a loss for words". Guess what? The song doesn't end there. In fact is continues on for like 6 minutes. Starting a 6 minute long song by saying that you don't have anything to say doesn't really make sense, and pretty much just makes you a liar from the beginning. Which one is it? Do you not have anything to say? Or do you have enough to say to cover 6 minutes? If the song was 7 seconds long and only had the lyrics "I'm at a loss for words" I'd be cool with it, in fact that would be really funny.

That reminds me of this one scene from The Office when Ryan is talking to Pam and Michael about his time in Thailand. It goes:

Ryan: Do you guys wanna hear about Thailand?
Pam and Michael: Sure...
Ryan: pause... It was indescribable.


Anyways, now to the serious part. The song that made me think about this had the lyrics:

Your love so deep, is washing over me
Your face is all I seek, you are my everything
Jesus Christ, You are my one desire
Lord hear my only cry, to know you all my life

People got really into that, which is great. But it had a different affect on me, because I knew that I couldn't say the words honestly. Like everyone is in there singing those lyrics but how many of them are actually being honest? For me, I can say that in my life I'm chasing after more than just God. Whether that's right or wrong is a different story and not my intention here, but I can say that I'm sure I don't give enough attention to God and I'm sure I'm hurting myself being that way. My point is to question what good singing words that aren't true really is?

Worship is more than just saying words towards God, it's a whole experience and focus thing, but again this isn't the point of the post. I'm not saying that if you're saying something in a song that isn't necessarily true that your experience is completely empty. There's tons to gain from it regardless. The point I'm trying to get at is that people don't pay enough attention to the actual words they're saying. The ideal situation would be to hear and understand what you're saying, decide if it is true or not, decide if you would want that to be true, and if you do then go try to make it happen. Isn't getting better and growing one of the main parts of Christianity? If you're just saying words that aren't true and you have no desire to make them true, I'm not sure there was much good in saying the words in the first place.

This is as much a challenge for me as it is for anyone else, because I was the one sitting there realizing that I was saying things that wasn't true. I know that I want them to be true, but I'm definitely not 100% confident in my ability to make it happen.

Not everyone really cares to talk about God, much less about worship, which I'm sure a lot of people think is weird, but you can apply this to other walks of life as well. There are always emotional moments in life when we say or feel like we're going to make some kind of change in our lives, but then the emotions go away and then we kinda forget about it and it never happens. You feel good and motivated for a short time, but then that moment turns out to be worthless because you didn't do anything about it when it was over. Getting to the point of constant motivation is impossible, it's not how we work. Figuring out how to get things done without the motivation is the goal, and that's what really separates great people from average people.


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