Sunday, July 14, 2013

Entitlement and Idolatry

The more you deal with people in the world the more you realize how kind of shitty they can be. I'm trying to not come off like I think I'm a really good guy who nobody could ever complain about, but that's probably what's going to happen.

I'm guessing that most people that get complained about a lot don't feel that they should be getting complained about. You would think that if a person realized that people didn't care for how they acted, they would try to change the stuff about them that people don't like. I mean the logic of that makes sense, doesn't it? But I don't feel like that's how it actually works. I think humans are too naturally full of themselves to ever even CONSIDER that they could be a better person. Maybe it's time we all take a step backwards and try to figure something out about ourselves that we could change to make other people like us more. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy.

That wasn't even really the point of all this though...

I continue to notice that people feel extremely entitled to things. I'm included in this too. Everyone complains about every little thing they don't like in their life as if they feel they should never have to deal with something they don't want to. The vast majority of people I work with are in their first job like I am, and it's crazy to me about how much they complain about it. Like sure, it's not the greatest job in the world, but you accepted it knowing what it was. It's your first job, why would you expect everything to be tailored to exactly how you want it to be? Nobody realizes how small they are. There's how many people in the world competing for things and everyone wants the prizes without the work. Frustrating.

The last thing I'm on today is how people seem to dedicate huge parts of their lives to watching other people's lives. I understand why sports are so big in America, I've been a huge sports guy my whole life. The last year or so I have been falling away from some of that though, because I sit back and see people tweet and talk everyday about sports and athletes as if it's actually influential on their own life. We all want to be one of the people that everyone talks about, and we can't all be one of those people, but I don't understand why normal people invest so much in other people that they don't even know. What does knowing everything about a professional athlete get you? When I was real into sports I tried to use them to make a name for myself instead of just trying to glorify other people. Now that I'm out of it, I'm really not into following sports as much. I have my own life and I want that life to be about my life and the people close to me, not about some person that will never know my name.

I guess this blog is kind of just me complaining about stuff I don't like... but whatever it's better than just keeping it all in my head.

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