Thursday, June 27, 2013


So I think I've talked about this before on here... but nobody actually reads this blog consistently and this is something that I myself find really interesting so I'm just gonna do it again.

Everyone always says that you should just ignore the "haters" and just do your own thing. I could sit here and explain it all day but you all get it. Ignoring disapproval is a big deal these days. And I don't disagree with that at all, I've dealt with my share of criticism and whatnot, but I'm gonna bring in another way to look at it.

Despite what everyone says, the approval of other people is absolutely important. One of the biggest desires human beings have is the desire to be respected and liked, there's no getting around it, it's a fact. So when someone adamantly demands that they don't care what other people think, I honestly don't really believe them.

If I do something and a few people criticize me for it, I'm upset. I have a human desire to please other people and make other people agree with the things I do and say. Maybe there's a few exceptions, but not many. I just see so many people trying to convince everybody around them that they don't care about what other people say or think, and I don't buy it.

So the point I'm trying to get at is that I wish people would be more open minded. If you do something and there are a few people that are like that was a dumb thing to do, how about stepping back and giving their opinion a chance? What if they're right? They aren't always going to be right, but sometimes they will be. Human instinct is to immediately throw up a blockade when someone tries to criticize you, but that doesn't do much for your self-improvement, does it? Other people's opinions matter, and we don't realize that.

God forbid that you would ever do something wrong or stupid. I understand that it takes a lot for a person to realize that they did something wrong, but life would be a lot better if we had a more widespread view of things, because maybe we'd end up actually agreeing with the "haters" and start doing something positive with our decisions.


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