Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Superbad Inspired

Watching Superbad right now, because everyone should watch Superbad at least once a month. Anyways there's this one line that made me think about some stuff...

"Is this about some girl man? Who gives a f*** she's a f***in girl, what are you gonna do, go out with her for 2 years? ... next time you're pissed off about something, don't keep it inside for 10 years say it like a f***in man."

As ridiculous as of a movie it is to quote, the statement from a young, fat Jonah Keri holds some weight.

I've been through 21 years of the majority of my friends being unmarried. Shit, it's too late for me to set this up all nicely and whatnot. So let me just say this. Dating girls before you're out of college honestly seems like a waste of time to me. Now I'm not for a second claiming this as true for everybody, because I understand there are dozens of scenarios that can happen to make different opinions formulate.

There are exceptions, some girls are really cool and your friends will be all about hanging out with them and stuff, but honestly that's the rarity and not the normality. In my experience, the majority of the time, when one of my friends gets a girlfriend, I never become actual friends with that girl, she just takes away from my friendship with that friend. Again, there have been exceptions (Corey, Markie if you are reading this, you guys are the lone exception I'm referring to).

What I'm trying to get at it is that most of the relationships school-aged kids get into end up, in the end, hurting the people in that relationship. You get further away from your real friends and sometimes you never actually get that real friendship back.

Guys never 'break up' with other guys. If you become friends with another dude, you pretty much stay friends with that other dude. For me personally, I've never actually stopped being friends with another guy that I've been good friends before. I have fallen out of contact with another friend (Brandon Franks), but I've never grown any resent for another one of my guy friends. That's what's nice about being a guy I guess, we aren't too emotional and we forget shit easily... it's easy for us.

So I guess the point I am trying to arrive at is while you're below the age of like 22, it's best to not worry so much about girls and just worry about having as much fun as possible with your boys... because there's no risk there. You have the rest of your life to find a wife or whatever... you only have 22 give or take 3 years to have very small responsibility years to live it up.

I'm sure this post isn't actually reaching anybody in the desired age group... but I stated my peace anyways. Later.


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