Sunday, August 25, 2013

Average American Jealousy

I get a real kick out of my fellow middle classers and their reactions to the upper-upper/celebrity class. Just a fact of life of life is that we are basically all of the same mental and physical capability when are born. Where things go in the 80 years following that is where it gets real interesting.

People get famous for good reasons, people get famous for bad reasons, people get famous for no reason at all. That's just a part of life. And naturally, all people want to be rich and famous. I used to think that there were exceptions to that statement, but honestly now I'm not so sure. I'm pretty sure that everyone deep down inside really wants everyone to know who they are and really like them. Obviously, for the vast majority of people that doesn't happen.

So where do we normal people turn to work out our hidden or not so hidden jealousy? Well I basically don't know a single thing about anything that happened before like the year 2000, but today it seems that we turn to social media. We turn to social media for a lot of things, don't we? You could talk about that one for awhile... but for now I'll keep it to this topic.

All I see everyday on my Twitter feed is people questioning and criticizing people that are more rich and famous than they are. People that they will never have a personal relationship with, people that they will never actually know anything about. Given, it does not take much of a brain or much of a respect-deserving persona to get famous in today's world, but that doesn't change the fact that it's pretty sad when you dedicate so much of your brain power to trying to criticize people that are so far (societally) above you when all the while you know that a) they'll never hear you and b) they'll never give a shit what you think.

Miley Cyrus got torn apart on Twitter tonight for whatever music/video awards thing is going on. In a democratical (totally not a word) society, that would result in her total worth going down and her having to work a little bit harder to conform more to what the majority of people want from her. But guess what? We aren't a democratical (even more not a word the second time) society. I'm not saying it's right or fair that Miley Cyrus is really famous and rich, but I'm not going to dispute the facts either. Does me sitting here thinking how much better I am than some celebrity actually help me in life? No, it actually does quite the opposite.

Probably the best practice in life would be to just completely ignore that entire scene. Miley Cyrus being an ugly tramp with like 4 brain cells left isn't going to make her any less successful and you thinking she sucks isn't going to make you any more successful. Good for you for having a brain, but you're still wasting your time even formulating an opinion on her.

I've always felt that living your life even remotely through another human being (no matter who it is) is the worst thing you can do. In life you can control one thing, and that is your actions and your reactions. Stick to that. Don't try to control things you can't control, because you're just wasting time, and time is the one thing you can't ever get more of.


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