Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Came across a quote in this Dale Carnegie book I was reading today:

"Nobody is so miserable as he who longs to be somebody and something other than the person he is in body and mind”

I've basically said that myself a few dozen times in my life, but maybe just not with such profound wording. Maybe this blog is becoming just a bullhorn for me to say the same thing in two to three times a week, but I just feel so strongly about this one general topic that it's all I can ever end up writing about. Nothing is worse than someone who lacks originality, to me at least. As far as I'm concerned we are all born with the potential for three things; three things that everyone has somewhere, three things that I believe the utilization of which go a long way to determining what kind of person you are.

1. Human ability to think originally
2. Human individuality
3. Human creativity

Those three things are really the only things that separate us from animals, or even computers in this day and age. When you long to be somebody and something other than the person you are in body and mind", you are eliminating all three of the above things. It doesn't take make much original thought to try and be someone else, nor does it take much individuality or creativity.

I don't think anybody would willingly admit or even realize that they are living their life without much originality. If someone fully realized that their life was trying to be different than the person they really have the potential to be, I think they would stop living like that immediately. It just doesn't make natural sense to not use what we've been given to become our own person. That said, it does seem like there's a shocking lack of confidence in a lot of people that really makes it tougher for them to have the desire to be themselves.

Again, I've beaten this horse to death over the last year. You don't have to conform to the typical American idea of a "successful person" to have a good life. The worst thing that you can do is live your life with no original thought, no individuality, and no creativity. If you can get those three things figured out, you're going to have a happy life and you're going to attract a lot of legitimate people, and that sounds pretty good to me.

In addition to all that, I have a huge pet peeve for people who put the word "literally" into their sentences preceding something that's not actually literal. If it's not literal, just keep that part of the sentence out.


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