Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life's a theta-obrazom and math really bites

It has been quite some time since I've written on this blog. In fact it's been quite some time since I've written in any blog, which says a lot about my current life state. For the last four years, a huge part of my life has been blogging... mostly about the Pirates. That ended in December for an emotional and financial reason, which led me to pay like $120 for a new blog which I got sick of in a matter of weeks, and now I'm here, $120 poorer and no longer a real blogger. Which actually ties really nicely into what I want to say tonight.

Let me first say that theta-obrazom is a fancy and hardly correct way to say line graph. If I told you I knew that ten minutes ago I would be lying. I googled 'fancy ways to say line graph', and that was my favorite one.

Would you say that people are smarter or dumber than they were fifty years ago? Fifty years ago people didn't have an infinite amount of information at their fingertips, but they were probably a lot better at figuring things out for themselves. Their minds were sharper, but there were some things that they would have to work really hard to figure out. So what does that mean? We are capable of a lot more today, but the average person without Internet access is probably worth a lot less now than all those years ago.

Now for the main event - my actual topic.

Did you ever realize that your current situation has a huge influence on how you view life? For example, the last two years I have been without a girlfriend. Let me save face by saying that that's mainly by choice. But anyways, in my state of singleness, I have gravitated to a mindset that says that being in a relationship in your college years is a waste of time and life is way better when you're single and can kind of do and go where you want without much restriction. Do I think that's true for everyone? No. I know a bunch of people that have met someone that is very special and all that BS to them and are very happy. Do I think those people are wrong to be happy with their situation? Absolutely not. Do I wish that everyone were like me? Of course. In fact, I have lost too many friends to girlfriends, but that's a different thing entirely. What I'm trying to say is that I could meet someone tomorrow that changes my entire mindset about college relationships. It's all about the situation you stumble into. Knowing that, it's really messed up to think less of someone because they think or act differently than you, but we all do it daily. No two people are the same, so why should we ever think negatively about a person because they don't think or act like you do?

That's my serious paragraph of the month. Although I'm not going to lie, a lot more serious paragraphs have been in my head than funny ones recently.

So this, my last semester, is the hardest semester I've had in my entire college career, and it's really pissing meo ff. We're all of 3 weeks into it and I'm already incredibly disinterested. Anyways, the two really hard classes I have are taught by the same math professor, and this guy is a real jag. We get assignments every class, which is fine, but the thing is that it is basically impossible to get perfect scores on these things. I've gotten the perfectly right answer on the first six (that's because I got all of last semester's assignments from a buddy), and yet I haven't yet gotten a perfect score. The man stops at nothing to find something to take points off of. So my question is, naturally, WHAT'S THE F***ING POINT? I said the real word in my head when I typed that.

Sure, nobody's perfect. But if you don't give anybody a 100%, doesn't that make 100% pretty much non existent? This guy could teach here for infinity years and his best student wouldn't be a 100% student. Doesn't that mean that 100% doesn't exist? Literally the best I can do in that class is a low B. And I'm sure as hell not going to do as good as I possibly can, so I'm looking at a maximum grade of a C. I've always had the belief that when the best you can do is mediocre, you should just quit and do something else. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT SCHOOL IS ABOUT. SCHOOL IS ABOUT DOING THINGS THAT DON'T HAVE ANY POSITIVE IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT SAYS IT'S RIGHT. I'm done here.


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